Pentecost in Peru

The Associates of Lima, Callao, Huaura and Medio Mundo, Peru, had the joy and grace of celebrating the great event of Pentecost and the renewal of our ALLIANCE, as Associates of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, in the presence of Sister Francy and Sister Pascaline. The sisters renewed their vows.

Los Asociados se comprometen a vivir la espiritualidad y el carisma de la Congregación HES, siguiendo las huellas de las fundadoras Marie Balavenne y Renée Burel. El Padre Victorino Guerra Valladares estuvo presente. La Hermana Pascaline agradeció a todos el esfuerzo y el compromiso asumido como Asociados, y nos animó a continuar nuestra misión entre los más desfavorecidos, guiados por la fuerza del Espíritu Santo.

After the celebration, we shared a fraternal lunch with Father Victorino, lovingly prepared by the sisters of Notre-Dame du Chemin, and we joyfully celebrated the birthday of our Associate Dora Anicama de Callao.

Happy Pentecost to our HES Family. Renewed by the strength of the Holy Spirit and the joy of the Lord, we return home under the protection of our Blessed Mother Mary. We open the doors of our hearts to our brothers and sisters from Santiago and Antofagasta in Chile, for the great meeting of the Vice-Province of Latin America to be held in February 2024 in Lima, Peru. Welcome to our sisters and brothers!

Yvonne CUELLA, Associate of Huaura. Peru. Published on 3 June 2023