AUDET Léontine

Name in religious life: Sister Angèle de Saint-Yves
Year of profession: 1943
Age: 101 years old
Born in Landéhen (22)
Date of death: Thursday, April 4, 2024
Date and place of funeral: Monday April 8, 2024 at 14h30 in Saint-Brieuc, Maison-Mère, followed by burial in the cemetery.
Its main obediences were: – Rostrenen – Morlaix – Plaintel – Corlay – Saint-Brandan – Saint Samson – Allineuc – Pleudihen – Carnoët – Saint-Brieuc – Plonévez-du-Faou.
In Saint-Brieuc, Mother House, Retirement Home Community since 1999.
May God welcome her in his light!