Justice and solidarity

Justice and solidarity

To each his own… My share has come!

To each his own… My share has come!

Closing the end of the year full of hope and expectation: that was both the feeling and the conviction we felt when we received the sewing machines on 3 July 2024!  These gifts from Codas-Caritas of the Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo in Cameroon are a concrete expression of...

Promotion of young women

Promotion of young women

Friday 31 May 2024 was a day of celebration at the Centre de Promotion de la Jeune Fille (CPJF) in Touloum, a town in Cameroon's Far North region: we were delighted to celebrate the completion of several girls' training by holding a ceremony to award them their...

Recognition and gratitude

Recognition and gratitude

As part of the jubilee year marking 70 years of the presence of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Cameroon, a pilgrimage and a Mass of thanksgiving were organised on Thursday 30 May in honour of Sister Anne-Marie VOLANT and of all the missionary Daughters of the...

A special day with children

A special day with children

Cameroon. On 25 May 2024, together with other people of goodwill, we organised a day of friendship with disabled children, nursery school children and children from Group II primary school in Touloum -Touloum is a commune in Cameroon's Far North region-. The theme of...

Prison: a place of rebirth

Prison: a place of rebirth

On Sunday 28 April 2024, we, the novices of the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit and the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, went to visit the inmates of the central prison in the town of Ngaoundéré, Cameroon. Knowing their difficult living...

Closer to the most vulnerable…

Closer to the most vulnerable…

On Ash Wednesday 2024, for the Lenten season leading up to Easter, I asked for the grace to be closer to those who suffer, to those in need: the sick, the homeless, the voiceless, the poor who live in misery every day, to be more aware of this category of people whom...

With street children

With street children

Street children are usually left to fend for themselves. With no one to look after them, they often have to do odd jobs to get the meal of the day, beg or steal in order to eat. Sometimes they go for days on end without having anything to eat. At night, these poor...

The “Solidarity Christmas Special” 2023

The “Solidarity Christmas Special” 2023

Listening to "both the clamour of the earth and the clamour of the poor" is the very expression of Pope Francis in his 2015 encyclical letter "Laudato Si'" (no. 49), on safeguarding the common home. It was with this in mind that we once again considered our "Christmas...

First experience of Mission

First experience of Mission

"The first Daughters of the Holy Spirit wanted to live together to serve the poor, the sick and children. They recognised in them the person of Jesus Christ and had great respect for all" Rule of Life, art 1. On 4 September 2023, I began my very first mission in the...

In Cameroon: Foi et Justice

In Cameroon: Foi et Justice

FOI ET JUSTICE is an association that promotes ecology and the preservation of creation.  Food security, the protection of natural resources and the fight against land grabbing are all part of its field of action. The members of this association in the Diocese of...

Our projects

DHS Solidarity Projects

What we cannot do alone, we are able to do together. Thank you for being there.



Help with activities at a community center in Huaura - Peru. A Huaura community center regularly welcomes elderly people to spend time together and engage in income-generating activities: making bags or purses, woolen flowers, dolls, shawls and scarves... The Huaura...



Purchase of a knitting machine for the Renée BUREL Center in Ilesa The Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria is committed to providing training services to the poor in and around Ilesa. After the closure of the Stephen Social Center, Ilaje,...



Support for displaced families in Far North Cameroon For some years now, the Koza pastoral zone in Cameroon’s Far North has been plagued by violence of all kinds. With the repeated attacks of Boko Haram, the precariousness of the populations is very visible....



Project for the partial renovation of the Postulate henhouse in Diébougou The Postulate of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Burkina Faso is located in Diébougou, in the southwest of the country. It is a formation center for young girls seeking to give meaning to...


Meeting of discernment in the Province of France-Belgium

Meeting of discernment in the Province of France-Belgium

An assembly of 35 Sisters from the Province of France-Belgium was convened by the Superior General and her Council, as a Consultative College, to live together a process of discernment in order to help the General Council in its own discernment in view of the...

LE SANN Marie-Thérèse

LE SANN Marie-Thérèse

Name of religious: Sister Pierre Bénédicte Year of religious profession: 1965 Age: 82 Born in Saint-Ségal (29) Date of death : Tuesday 15 October 2024 Date and place of funeral: Friday 18 October 2024 at 14h30, in Plestin-les-Grèves, Maison Notre-Dame, followed by...

Reception of DHS postulants in Nigeria

Reception of DHS postulants in Nigeria

Friday 4 October 2024 was a day that the Lord made for us: in deed, we are truly happy and fulfilled today, knowing that we have been received as pre-novices into the Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single...

SANQUER Paulette

SANQUER Paulette

Name of religious: Sister Paul Gabriel Year of religious profession: 1967 Age: 83 Born in Plouguerneau (29) Date of death: Tuesday 8 October 2024 Date and place of funeral: Friday 11 October 2024 at 2.30 p.m., in Plestin-les-Grèves, Maison Notre-Dame, followed by...

1954-2024: a movement of thanksgiving

1954-2024: a movement of thanksgiving

1954-2024: 70 years ago, the first Daughters of the Holy Spirit arrived in Doukoula, in the diocese of Yagoua in CAMEROON, in the parish of Our Lady of the Assumption. Since April of this year, the Vice-Province of Cameroon has been in the midst of a wave of...

Celebration of temporary commitments

Celebration of temporary commitments

‘Nothing can separate us from the love of God’ (Romans 8:39).  Romans 8, 39. It was this statement by Saint Paul in his letter to the Romans that sisters Delphine SOME and Jessica NAON took as the light that would guide their lives as followers of Christ, on 28...

Celebration of entry into the novitiate

Celebration of entry into the novitiate

On Sunday 22 September, at 5.30pm, in the beautiful chapel of the novitiate of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit, in Ngaoundéré-Marza, CAMEROON, we joyfully celebrated the official entry into the novitiate of 4 novices from Burkina-Faso. In addition to sisters Pauline...

Young pilgrims, builders of Hope

Young pilgrims, builders of Hope

Our diocese of Huacho, PERU, celebrated its Diocesan Youth Day on September 21, 2024. Huaral, one of the diocese's parishes, was this year's venue. In the presence of over 600 young people, accompanied by a number of priests and religious, the day began with a welcome...



Name of religious: Sister Anne de Notre-Dame Year of religious profession: 1957 Age: 89 Born in Sizun (29) Date of death: Friday 27 September 2024 Date and place of funeral: Wednesday 2 October 2024 at 14h30, in Plestin-les-Grèves, Maison Notre-Dame, followed by...

An exceptional event

An exceptional event

On Sunday, 22 September 2024, in the church of Saint Malo in Dinan - Côtes d'Armor, France - an exceptional event took place in the history of a local church: under the presidency of Monsignor Moutel, Bishop of Saint-Brieuc and Tréguier, the first session of the...