In Cameroon: Foi et Justice

FOI ET JUSTICE is an association that promotes ecology and the preservation of creation.  Food security, the protection of natural resources and the fight against land grabbing are all part of its field of action. The members of this association in the Diocese of Maroua-Mokolo, CAMEROON, saw the urgent need to take action to draw up civil status documents, and to recycle and transform plastic bottles…

The Community of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Koza, a commune in the Far North region, wanted to put into practice the theme for the year, which is “Hear the cry of the earth, hear the cry of the poor”. Sister Monique Gabana, head of the Diocese’s FAITH AND JUSTICE department, worked hard with her team to put people back on their feet and restore their dignity.  The community has been close to the internally displaced people of Koza and Muskota through the distribution of enriched porridge – improved porridge to combat malnutrition in children –: moments of powerful and enriching experiences.
On the subject of civil status certificates, we found that many people (children and adults) do not have birth certificates. With the help of a few volunteers, we were able to hand in over 300 forms at the town hall!  As for recycling, transforming, and adding value to plastic bottles and bags, we were able to train 112 women leaders so that they too could train others.

May the Lord always give us his Holy Spirit to magnify and serve him.

Transmitted by Sister Christine DIDJA, DHS.  Published on 19 June 2023