Postulants, in view of religious life

It was with great joy that the “Daughters of the Holy Spirit” welcomed eight postulants. The rite of welcome took place on 12 July 2022 at the Postulancy House in Ogbomoso, Oyo State, Nigeria.

We were welcomed by Sister Stella Oluwafemi and Sister Anne Okozi and other sisters in the chapel where the rite of welcome was held.

We chose as our aim: “A good tree bears good fruit which we represented using: the earth, the tree, the water and the fruit. The earth represents us and, like the tree, we remain open to pruning in order to bear good fruit. Water is a source of strength for our growth. The fruit symbolises the gentle and good behaviour in which we will journey together during our formation.
The reading was from the Gospel of St. John, chapter 15 v. 1: “You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit, and your fruit will remain”. The commentary was given by Sister Stella Oluwafemi (Formation Director). The reception rite was like our baptismal promises. The emblems were presented to us as a sign of the Holy Spirit accompanying us on our journey. After this, the Magnificat was sung followed by the intercessory prayer and a hymn to Our Lady. The concluding prayer was said by Sister Felicia Ademola. Then, outside, we danced and took some photos….

The celebration ended in the refectory where, to mark this event, lunch was served to all.

 We, the eight postulants.. 13 July 2022