Teaching experience

The 2023 internship programme for us, the students of Junior Secondary School 3 (JSS3) of Marie Balavenne’s Catholic College (MBCC), Ilogbo, Nigeria, ran from 5 to 15 June 2023, in different organisations in Lagos and Ogun States. The headmistress of the school, Sr. Rosemary ETIM, DHS, in order to ensure the successful completion of our internship programme, assigned us to the Holy Spirit Nursery and Primary School in Ilogbo, Nigeria. There we learned that teaching requires good planning on the part of the teachers, which made us appreciate their welcome from the moment we arrived.

Our teaching experience began on 27 June 2023. There were 32 of us MBCC students, and we were allocated to different classes to teach very young children in the nursery and primary sections.
We were given the basic teaching materials we needed to help the children in each class learn effectively and we found that the children had already been well trained: this was evident from the moment we arrived in the way they greeted us. They were also very receptive. According to Jacinta, who taught fourth year primary, “the pupils are fun to be with, but difficult to control”.  However, as one of us put it: “Teaching in nursery has taught us to be tolerant. They are children and you have to be very patient with them”.
All in all, it was a memorable and wonderful experience that we can’t forget. This experience has already enabled us to adopt leadership styles that will help us as future professionals in different functions.

In conclusion, we would like to thank our kind director, Sr. Rosemary ETIM, DHS, for giving us this opportunity. Through these experiences, we have been able to discover some of our hidden potential and we will strive to develop the good and excellent qualities that will be required throughout our lives. We would also like to thank the management of the primary school for welcoming us with love. Thank you very much and may God bless you.

Students of JSS3 from MBCC. Published on 24 July 2023