In the USA: a new team

The day may have been cloudy and gray, with sporadic showers, but the sun shone brightly in the hearts of all the members of the Daughter of the Holy Spirit Family who attended the missioning ceremony for members of our new provincial team.

Gratitude and blessings were the underlying theme of the celebration.  Simple readings and songs linked to this theme resonated throughout the assembly.  Members of old and new teams took part in the ceremony.  The proverbial baton of succession was passed on in words and gestures of anointing and blessing.   It was indeed a celebration of an end and a new beginning, of continued hope, joy and energy, and of trust in the One who calls.

There were smiles, congratulations and good wishes, and all present joined in Kathy Sherman’s closing song, which reminded us to “walk and reach together to the star… dream… hope… we’re on our way… let’s go…. we’ll be one in the light of that star”.

The photo shows our new provincial team:
– seated left to right: Sister Janet Lewis and Bonnie Morrow
– standing left to right: Sister Yvette Rainville and Michèle Bisaillon

 Françoise Gauthier. Published July 7, 2023