Living in the Spirit, in the heart of the world

Profession of vows, in SECULAR BRANCH in Santiago de Chile, on Saturday 7 January 2023, by Laura Lara and Laura Oyanadel. Simplicity, fraternity, gratitude and a message full of faith and hope is what we can value from this beautiful liturgical act lived.

Following the call of Christ in these times of chaos is difficult, because de-Christianization, lack of faith, disorder in different cities is characterized, among other things, by injustice and crime. However, Christ does not give up or abandon us. He still chooses and calls to follow him to work on building his Kingdom. Furthermore, there are always generous people who respond with a YES, to their call, to live charisma and Spirituality within special groups. The Profession of Vows of Laura Lara and Laura Oyanadel is a sign that teaches us to continue responding positively to the call of our Triune God, who calls us, despite our imperfections.

Let us invite those who pass by us to listen in silence to the call of Christ: “The harvest is plentiful and the workers are few.”
With the light of the Holy Spirit and the protection of Mary, let us respond, every day, with Courage and Courage with a great YES, as Laura Lara and Laura Oyanadel did this January 7th and thus live the Charism and Spirituality of our Spiritual Family Daughters of the Holy Spirit.

By Berta Pilar Hurtado, BS. Published on 14 January 2023
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