Ilogbo – Purchase of materials to promote fish farming

The Congregation of the Daughters of the Holy Spirit in Nigeria has been engaged in fish farming for the past few years in order to provide access to protein products, employment opportunities and to improve the level of well-being of the people in the rural area of Ilogbo.

The increasing number of school dropouts, teenage pregnancies, single-parent families, and malnourished children is a serious problem in Ilogbo and its surroundings.

Inspired by Pope Francis’ encyclical «Laudato si’», the Sisters of the Ilogbo community have undertaken to develop the activity of fish farming and fishing in order to improve the quality of food for malnourished children and to help the economic promotion in the region with an opportunity of job creation.

The choice of fishing helps to meet protein needs without having a massive impact on wildlife, nature reserves and forests. n


  • Provide protein products to malnourished people at low or no cost.
  • Provide employment opportunities and economic growth in the region.
  • Improve the well-being of the poorest people.

Needs expressed

To improve maintenance conditions and increase production capacity in Ilogbo with the acquisition of new machines.

  • Purchase of a machine for aspiring fish excrement: 2,700 €
  • Purchase of a grinding machine: 220 €
  • Purchase of an oven and a sealing machine: 2,000 €
  • Cost of the project: 4,920 €